Monday, November 14, 2011

ADE's Zero Down: Biblical Development Conference

I hope you enjoyed the videos I made for our first ever conference. I'm getting really excited as we'll be hosting this bilingual conference really looking at the difficult questions of mission and development and how to do them in the most biblical way possible. We'll have different speakers, but the biggest part (I think) will be all the different people, with their views and experiences, coming together and seeking the answers together.

We're partnering with Esepa Seminary, Fedemec, and Ted and Graciela Quiocho from CHE to bring together a pretty sweet conference. Together we're compiling a great group of speakers and participants, including Juan Stam (pending on some health issues). It's going to be pretty awesome for sure! I'll be doing a lot of prep for this over the next couple of months which will definitely keep me busy.

So if you're at all interested in any of these things: check out the website ( or send me an email!

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