Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Spring Break 2010!

So this week we've got 4 spring break students from different schools in the US here learning Spanish, contributing to the community projects and getting to see Costa Rica. We've done so much already and it's only Tuesday:
  • Worked on Spanish with local community students
  • Gone to church (awesome cultural experience)
  • Seen waterfalls, butterflies, and jungle cats
  • Eaten typical foods
  • Held toucans
  • Made empanadas
  • Seen the volcano
  • Hiked in the jungle
  • Tracked a tapir
  • Milked cows
  • Laughed a lot

There's a lot more to come and I'm really excited. I'll write more and put up pictures after the week. Definitely be thinking of and praying for us :)

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