Saturday, July 16, 2011

Back in the Mountains & Busy

As I warned you, I haven't been as good about writing now that I'm back up in the mountains. I may be a little busier, but I think it's more that when I'm living and working in community (like I am up here) I'm so dependent on other people. It's not always fun and I feel busier as all the work happens not on my scheduled time and often last minute and I have to remain flexible. But I do believe that God calls us to seek community and seek to live that way. There definitely can be some great joys within it also and great opportunities to ask forgiveness and offer grace - living the Gospel every day with each other. With all that said, I do want to continue to update you all on my my last two weeks:

I had my last week of language school July 4th to the 8th. It was a really great week and I got more connected with the other students that week, which made leaving sadder. I definitely got to know better those in my classes (AJ, Mary and Jim). We had a lot of fun together, and became a great encouragement to each other. Jim and his wife Pat are maybe going to come visit me here in Vara Blanca before they leave CR. I'm hoping to go visit Mary in Nicaragua the next time I need to leave the country to renew my visa. And I'm definitely planning on continue praying for and staying in touch with AJ and his wife Brittany as they get ready to move to Belize as missionaries. I really believe that God brought us all together even for this short time for greater purposes. Both my teachers were also really awesome and I wish I could be there learning from them for at least a few more weeks. I left in the middle of learning all the subjunctive rules and so have to try to learn the rest on my own. The work they're doing at ILE is definitely a huge ministry to all of Latin America. I was definitely encouraged and uplifted in my short time there.

The last week was really busy apart from school stuff with some really exciting things. Monday was 4th of July and the people at the institute decided for the first time ever (so I heard) to have a big party. Apparently the Canadians had one for Canada Day and so those from the USA had to do something. It was so fun. We ate stuff off the grill, had some great baked beans, burgers, apple pie and homemade chocolate chip cookies. We sat around and talked for a while (mostly while I held Titus - AJ and Brittany's baby). Then we watched as some of the guys set off some awesome fireworks. It felt very unusual, but oddly comforting.

Then my friend and one of my roommates from college visited me, Laura Welch! We became masters at the buses around the city and did lots of walking around and just spending good time together. My favorite bus ride was one evening when we got on only to be serenaded by a aspiring musician who wasn't really very good but was very entertaining. Our stop came up at the perfect time that we didn't have to give him money but got to see most of his "conciertito". Then we came up the mountain and I got to share with her some of my life here. For me it was so nice to have one of my closest friends in the world here and my favorite times with her was just hanging out amidst the craziness of my last week of classes.

Laura and I eating together downtown SJO

I'm trying to continue my Spanish learning and improving even though I'm no longer in classes. I'm trying to read an easy romance novel in Spanish (pretty cheesy), I'm reading some of my Bible in both English and Spanish, and I'm attempting to continue working through the grammar book and workbook that I was using at the institute. I'll also be practicing a lot, obviously  :)

Now I'm back up here in the mountains and though our students are on vacation until Monday, I've been working away preparing for a group visiting from my home church and the normal work I have to do. I'm glad to be back in my room and bed and with my puppy! Though to be honest, it's bitter sweet to be back here, but I know God has me here and is working. I'll try and keep blogging, but no promises at how often. Thanks for checking in, friends! I love your comments and messages and emails!

Remember Luke 1:37

Monday, July 4, 2011

Lo Mejor / The Best

On Friday I had to lead my conversation class in a Bible study in Spanish. As I was trying to think of what to share and discuss, I was brought back to the verses that helped to bring me here to Costa Rica in the first place. I'll share a little bit of it with you here:

We read- Marcos 10, 17-31 (Mark 10: 17-31)
The story of the rich young ruler who Jesus tells him he needs to give up everything in order to have eternal life. He goes away sad.

Specifically verses 29-30:

  • “Truly I tell you,” Jesus replied, “no one who has left home or brothers or sisters or mother or father or children or fields for me and the gospel will fail to receive a hundred times as much in this present age: homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields—along with persecutions—and in the age to come eternal life.
  • —Les aseguro —respondió Jesús— que todo el que por mi causa y la del evangelio haya dejado casa, hermanos, hermanas, madre, padre, hijos o terrenos, recibirá cien veces más ahora en este tiempo (casas, hermanos, hermanas, madres, hijos y terrenos, aunque con persecuciones); y en la edad venidera, la vida eterna.

How awesome is this?! Yes, God does tell us to give up everything we know and are comfortable with, but only so He can give us stuff that's the best and so much more. I was a math minor in I know that "100 x (homes, brothers, sisters, mothers, children and fields) in this life and eternity" is way better than what He asks us to give up.

Here's a few more examples of this for our lives:

Mateo 16, 24-26 (Matthew 16:24-26)

  • Abandonar: tu vida, este mundo  (Give up: your life, this world)
  • Recibir: vida mejor, vida real, vida eterna  (Receive: better life, real life, eternal life)
2 Corintios 5,17 (2 Corinthians 5:17)

  • Abandonar: lo viejo  (Give up: the old)
  • Recibir: lo nuevo, una nueva creación  (Receive: the new, a new creation)
Efesios 4,22-24 (Ephesians 4:22-24)

  • Abandonar: el ropaje de la vieja naturaleza  (Give up: the old self)
  • Recibir: el ropaje de la nueva naturaleza  (Receive: the new self)

I don't know about you, but I want the things we can receive. They definitely look better than the things we have to give up! The rich young ruler went away sad because he didn't understand or believe this truth: that God wants us to give these things away so that He can provide us with THE BEST (lo mejor).

¡Haga un intercambio!
Trade it in!


I was reminded again and again about this over the weekend. On Friday I spend a little time talking with one of the people from the team that was visiting. She was a great encouragement and blessing to me. As she was praying for me, one of the things she said was that I would believe that God is not holding back from me the best. That's so true, though I often don't believe it. He isn't holding back the best from me. He wants to give me the best!

Then at church on Sunday the pastor talked about John 21. This is after Jesus' resurrection where his disciples were out to fish and they hadn't caught anything all night. Then from the shore, Jesus tells them to put their net in the other side. The part that stuck out to me the most is where it says that when they came ashore their net was full of LARGE fish, 153. God didn't just give them any old fish in the water that night. He gave them the best. He set that aside for them, just like He does for us. He wants to give me the best!

He's good! Here's a couple pictures from the group here last week:

The kids leading us in a song with motions.

Singing a song with parts in English, Spanish and Korean!

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Newest Favorite Song

The other night I heard this song again (it's been a while) and it quickly got stuck in my head in the best way possible. Then this morning at church it was sung during offering. Amazing. So I thought I'd share it with you all!

Dame tus ojos quiero ver
Dame tus palabras, quiero hablar
Dame tu parecer

Dame tus pies, yo quiero ir
Dame tus deseos para sentir
Dame tu parecer

Dame lo que necesito
Para ser como tu

// Dame tu voz, dame tu aliento
Toma mi tiempo es para ti
Dame el camino que debo seguir
Dame tus sueños, tus anhelos
Tus pensamientos, tu sentir
Dame tu vida para vivir //

Déjame ver lo que tu vez
Dame de tu gracia, tu poder
Dame tu corazón
Déjame ver en tu interior
Para ser cambiado por tu amor
Dame tu corazón

(Basic translation)

Give me your eyes, I want to see
Give me your words, I want to speak
Give me your likeness

Give me your feet, I want to go
Give me your heart, so I can feel
Give your opinion

Give me what I need
To be like you

/ / Give me your voice, give me your breath
Take my time, it is for you
Give me the way I should go
Give me your dreams, your desires
Your thoughts, your feeling
Give your life to live / /

Let me see what you see
Give me your grace, your power
Give me your heart
Let me see inside you
To be changed by your love
Give me your heart